Tag Archives: Sore throat

Got a sore throat?

A sore throat is not usually a serious condition and often gets better on its own in three to seven days.

Sore throat ?

To relieve the symptoms painkillers such as paracetamol and throat lozenges are usually recommended. Our pharmacy can offer a variety of such products.

To help prevent irritation of the throat avoid food or drink that is too hot. Stick to cool, soft food and drink cool or warm liquids. Regularly gargling with a mouthwash of warm, salty water may help reduce swelling or pain.

Antibiotics are not recommended for treating sore throats because the infection is usually caused by a virus, not by bacteria. Even if your sore throat is caused by bacteria, antibiotics have very little effect on the severity of the symptoms and how long they last.

You should see your GP if you have persistent symptoms that are not responding to self-treatment, or if you are at risk of developing complications – if you have a weakened immune system, for example. Ask you pharmacist if you are not sure.